GitLab repository

  • From now on, please clone and sync your active repos from GitLab. You can move your existing working directories to eslgit by changing the remote URL:
git remote set-url origin <eslgit-ssh-url>

You can find the ssh url in the GitLab import log at the end of this document.

  • Before creating a new repository, take a look at the Groups, Subgroups, and Topics, so that people can easily find them in the hierarchy → see attached screenshots
  • Please note we’ll use GitHub to archive and share the sources of ESL publications (papers, presentations, etc.)
  • You need to use the VPN and log in with your EPFL account to access GitLab 🙂

The groups for access tiered access control are:

  • ESL-Access/ESL-Student-Access
  • ESL-Access/ESL-PhD-Access (implies access to everything in ESL-Student-Access)
  • ESL-Access/ESL-Postdoc-Access (implies access to everything in ESL-PhD-Access)

When people join the lab we add them automatically (within an hour after the first login to eslgit) to the matching group based on their accreditation and that grants them access to the projects, in the corresponding group and subgroups. Students for example by default only see the student-projects but are not able to access the teaching repositories.

c4science is no longer used by ESL.

Getting started with GitLab


For repositories which should be on the public ESL GitHub: please contact Christoph for assistance with creating the repository. For the transition period: please add a link to the current C4science repository as part of the project README file so that people are able to find its new Github location for as long as C4science is still reachable.

Tuleap - Quality Management System tool for ESL

A description of the available Tuleap tool for ESL for QMS of medical devices

Access to the Tuleap tool for ESL

Computing Servers

There are different computing facilities at the ESL that you can use for your experiments. Take a look at the Seminar Slides for a brief description of the available servers, or check the specific wiki pages:



Measurement Systems - Biopac

A description of the installation of the AcqKnowledge ( for Win. or Mac.)

Android Projects

The Android Projects Wiki

Demos, courses, experiment equipment and other info


All the information about demos is managed in a shared Google Drive. Log in with your EPFL account to get access